In order to provide healthful, clean and desirable living conditions, the subdivider shall be entirely responsible for installing the following site improvements, or shall furnish a surety bond acceptable to the Village Council sufficient to permit the completion of all contemplated improvements, before a plat shall be accepted by the Village.
(a) Street Pavement and Storm Drainage. All subdivisions shall have streets and intersections of bituminous pavement surfacing with enclosed storm sewers as required in the Village of Wolverine Lake engineering standards and approved by the Village staff and Village Engineer. All such improvements shall be provided by the subdivider/developer. All work shall be carried out under the supervision of the Village Engineer.
(b) Installation of Public Utilities. Public utilities shall be located in accordance with the Village of Wolverine Lake engineering standards. The underground work for utilities shall be stubbed to the property line and made available for future connection. All public utilities in a subdivision shall be underground.
(c) Sanitary Sewerage System. The location and design of all trunkline and lateral sanitary sewers and any other necessary appurtenances, such as pump stations, shall conform to the Village of Wolverine Lake engineering standards and be approved by the Village staff and Village Engineer and all applicable reviewing agencies. All work shall be carried out and provided by subdivider/developer under the supervision of the Village Engineer.
(d) Water System. The location and design of water mains with house connections and the installation of fire hydrants, and any other necessary appurtenances shall conform to the Village of Wolverine Lake engineering standards and be approved by the Village staff, Village Engineer, the Fire Chief, and all applicable reviewing agencies as to suitability. All work shall be carried out and provided by subdivider/developer under the supervision of the Village Engineer.
(e) Sidewalks. Sidewalks, along with crosswalks where necessary, shall be provided along all streets and at any other location where the Village Council and/or Planning Commission shall determine that sidewalks are necessary for public safety or convenience. Sidewalks shall conform to the Village of Wolverine Lake engineering standards and be approved by the Village Engineer and all applicable reviewing agencies as to suitability. All work shall be carried out and provided by subdivider/developer under the supervision of the Village Engineer.
(f) Curbs and Gutters. Concrete curbs and gutters shall be required on all streets and shall be constructed in accordance with the Village of Wolverine Lake engineering standards. All work shall be carried out and provided by subdivider/developer under the supervision of the Village Engineer.
(g) Driveways. All driveway openings in curbs shall conform to the Village of Wolverine Lake engineering standards.
(h) Street Name Signs. Street name signs shall be installed in the appropriate locations at each street intersection in accordance with the requirements of the Village of Wolverine Lake.
(i) Trees. Trees shall be provided in the margins of both sides of all streets, public or private, and shall be placed at the minimum rate of two per single family residential lot or at a maximum distance apart of sixty feet. Trees may also be required to be installed according to the same distances in pedestrian ways. Trees to be installed in the street margins shall be of the large deciduous type—see Article 6, Landscaping Standards, for permitted and prohibited species. However, ornamental trees may be installed in the margin. Both kinds of trees may be provided in pedestrian ways. All trees shall be protected from damage by wind and other elements during the first full year after planting.
(j) Street Lighting. Streetlights, where provided, shall have underground wiring. Light standards shall meet the minimum specifications of the electric utility company serving that area of the proposed subdivision. Where lights are to be provided, they should be installed prior to the occupancy of structures within the subdivision. Streetlights shall be provided in all subdivisions except those one acre or larger residential lots.
(Ord. 106-A86. Passed 4-9-14.)