(a)   Act 641 of the Public Acts of 1978 [M.C.L. 299.401 et seq.], as amended, requires municipalities to assure that all solid waste is removed from sites of generation frequently enough to protect the public health, and delivered to authorized solid waste disposal areas. The Village Council of Wolverine Lake has determined that the collection of solid waste is most appropriately undertaken by the Village, acting by and through contract with the private sector. Because solid waste collection directly affects the public health, safety and general welfare, the Village shall contract with a single contractor in order to facilitate Village governance and control of its solid waste program.
   (b)   The Village Council has further determined that its solid waste program should include recycling consistent with the Oakland County Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan.
   (c)   For purposes of establishing and carrying out a program of solid waste collection, recycling and disposal, the Village Council has adopted this chapter to provide standards and specifications for services to be provided, provide for administration of the program and operational specifications, and provide penalties for failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 125-A-1. Passed 8-11-10.)