Alternative site design techniques may be employed and are encouraged in the RM-1 Multifamily Residential District upon review and approval by the Planning Commission and Village Council. The following design techniques are generally considered preferable, but must be reviewed to determine whether the integrity of the RM-1 Multifamily Zoning District is not compromised, and that the health, welfare, and safety of the Village are not at risk:
(a) Clustering of the buildings with reduced side yard setbacks to a minimum of eight feet between buildings to preserve significant open space of at least forty percent of the site.
(b) Curving and meandering the streets and driveways to limit sight distances, especially from major thoroughfares.
(c) Designing side opening garages on fifty percent of the units or screening parking from the collector roads or primary driveways within the development.
(d) Establishing variable building setbacks from the road and from unit to unit where applicable to provide variety in aesthetic value.
(e) Establishing an architectural façade material and color chart in order to vary the image of each building and/or each dwelling unit based on the development pattern of the complex.
(Ord. 106A-32. Passed 6-13-01.)