(a) Establishment. The Planning Commission, as established under the provisions of Act 33, of the Public Acts of 2008, as amended, is the Planning Commission referred to in this Zoning Code. Chapter 1220 of these Codified Ordinances sets forth the membership, functions and duties of the Planning Commission. Additional functions and duties of the Planning Commission are set forth in subsection (b) hereof.
(b) Duties. The Planning Commission shall discharge the following duties under this Zoning Code:
(1) Review all applications for amendments to this Zoning Code (text or map), hold hearings thereon, and report findings and recommendations to the Village Council in the manner prescribed in this chapter for amendments;
(2) Receive from the Building Inspector recommendations as related to the effectiveness of this Zoning Code and report the Commission’s conclusions and recommendations to the Village Council not less frequently than once a year;
(3) Hear and decide on special land uses, planned developments, site-plan review and other matters upon which it is required to pass under this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 106. Passed 12-9-81; Ord. 106A-83. Passed 4-9-14.)