1222.02 PURPOSES.
   These subdivision regulations have been enacted for the purpose of protecting the safety, convenience and welfare of the residents of the Village and of insuring the orderly growth and harmonious development of the Village in accordance with in keeping with the Master Plan by requiring:
   (a)   Proper arrangement of streets in relation to existing and/or planned streets and/or to the Master Plan;
   (b)   Adequate and convenient open space for traffic, utilities, access for firefighting and emergency response equipment, recreation, light, air, privacy, and safety from fire hazards;
   (c)   Avoidance of population congestion;
   (d)   Establishment of standards for the construction of any and all improvements as herein required; and
   (e)   Establishment of standards for yard and open space drainage.
(Ord. 106-A86. Passed 4-9-14.)