(a)   No public utility company, person, corporation or other entity shall install or replace wires, cables, pipes or conduits or other equipment used for the transmission of electrical current impulses, sounds, voices or communications, water, sewage, gas or other fuel, in, on over or under any street, alley, road, highway or other route of transportation within the Village unless a permit shall have been first obtained.
   (b)   No public utility company, person, corporation or other entity shall install or replace wires, cables, pipes, conduits or other equipment used for the transmission of electrical current impulses, sounds, voices or communications, water, sewage, gas or other fuel in, on, over or under land elsewhere within the Village unless a permit shall have been first obtained.
   (c)   The installation or replacement of any wires, cable, pipes, conduits or other equipment used for the transmission of electrical current impulses, sounds, voices or other communications, water, sewage, gas or other fuel shall be made in such a manner as to make most efficient use of the area available for placement of public utilities and to facilitate the use of the area by other public utilities and so as not to conflict with utility installations proposed by the Village. Installations or replacements shall be based on standards contained within the ordinances of the Village and on the following standards and conditions:
      (1)   Permit applications shall be made in writing on forms provided for this purpose, and shall refer to the authority upon which the applicant relies to maintain such wires, cables, pipes, conduits or other equipment.
      (2)   All applications for a permit shall be accompanied by a permit fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00). At the time of application, the Village shall estimate those additional fees or expenses to be incurred in the review and processing of the application and on site inspection by the Village's professional consultants and the applicant shall be required to pay such additional fees at that time. Such additional fees shall be based upon the regular hourly rate of professional consultants retained by the Village to review plan(s).
      (3)   Applicants shall forward to any public utility or other agency whose facilities or right-of-way may be affected by the proposed construction a copy of the application made to the Village.
      (4)   Each application may be referred to the appropriate Village professional consultant to determine if the installation contemplated complies with the ordinances of the Village and to assure that the contemplated installation makes efficient use of the area available for placement of utilities so as to facilitate use of the area by other public utilities. The Village consultants shall make a recommendation to the Building and Zoning Administrator to either approve, disapprove, or approve the application subject to conditions based on the standards set forth in this chapter and other ordinances of the Village.
      (5)   The Building and Zoning Administrator shall either approve, disapprove, or approve the application subject to conditions based on the standards set forth in this chapter and other ordinances of the Village.
      (6)   The installment or replacement of utility wires, cables, pipes, conduits or any other equipment by a public utility company, person, corporation or other entity shall conform to the plans submitted and approved by the Building and Zoning Administrator, unless it is determined during the installation that compliance with the approved plans presents practical hardships owing to circumstances unknown at the time of application, including, but not limited to, subterranean conditions. In this event, the applicant shall apply to the Building and Zoning Administrator for a variance from the approved plans and shall thereafter submit to the Building and Zoning Administrator a revised application and plans.
      (7)   Any permit issued under this chapter shall be valid for six months.
      (8)   At least forty-eight hours before beginning installation, the Permittee shall notify the Village Building and Zoning Administrator of the date, time and location of installation for the purpose of coordinating on-site inspection by the Village's professional consultant during installation.
      (9)   All utility projects covered by this chapter shall be subject to a schedule of standard utility locations, plan requirements and standards for the installation of utilities in road right-of-ways or in private easements, all such standards and requirements being adopted and from time to time amended by resolution of the Village Council.
(Ord. 140. Passed 4-10-02.)