(a)   It shall be unlawful for the owner, occupant, or any person having control or management of occupied or non-occupied subdivided land, occupied or unoccupied land which is part of a condominium development (including site condominiums) within the village to permit or allow on such premises or upon the right-of-way of any highway, road, or street adjacent to such lot, place, area, or parcel, the presence of weeds, grass (including grasses typically established as ground cover for any occupied or unoccupied residential, industrial, or commercial property), brush, or deleterious, unhealthy growths of any species or variety exceeding a height of seven inches above ground level, and the same are hereby declared to be a public nuisance. It shall be the duty of every owner, occupant, or every person in charge of such property upon which any of the above-mentioned weeds, grass, brush, deleterious, or unhealthy growths is permitted to remain to cause the same to be cut down, destroyed or removed, in the same manner and within the time provided in Sec 694.03, or more often as may be necessary. This section shall not apply to landscaping beds or similarly demarcated or defined areas that are otherwise properly maintained and tended.
   (b)   If such owner, occupant, or person shall knowingly refuse or neglect to comply in this regard he shall, upon conviction in any court of competent jurisdiction, be liable to the penalty imposed in this chapter for the violation thereof.
(Ord. 120-A3, passed 10-16-19)