(a)   No motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, minibike, special purpose motor vehicle or go-kart shall be operated on any public property or right-of-way in such a manner as to endanger the lives or property of the rider, passenger, or other person in the Village.
   (b)   No motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, minibike, special purpose motor vehicle or go-kart shall be operated within this Village without sufficient motor muffling devices to minimize noise as provided for and defined in other ordinances of the Village and the State of Michigan.
   (c)   No motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, minibike, special purpose motor vehicle or go-kart shall be operated on any public property or right-of-way unless such vehicle shall be equipped with an electrically operated horn, a stop or brake signal on the rear and a brake system capable of stopping such vehicle in a safe distance. Further, electric front and rear lights shall be illuminated as required by the Michigan Vehicle Code.
   (d)   No motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, minibike, special purpose motor vehicle or go-kart shall be operated on any street, road or highway or on any public property unless the operator or passenger is wearing a protective helmet of hard exterior shell, padded within a U.S. Z-90 rating or equivalent, and unless such operator and passenger shall wear shoes on their feet.