The Village Administrator shall be the chief administrative officer of the village, under the direction of the Mayor, who is the chief executive officer. The Administrator may head one or more departments and shall be responsible to the Mayor and the Village Board of Trustees for the proper administration of all affairs of the village, excepting, however, such affairs or matters as the Mayor and Village Board of Trustees may from time to time determine shall be under their direct control and supervision. All provisions herein contained shall be subject to the exceptions set forth in this section. To the ends hereinbefore contemplated, but subject to the exceptions and qualifications hereinbefore set forth, the Village Administrator shall have power and shall be required to do the following:
(A) When necessary for the good of the village, reprimand any employee and/or suspend said employee for a period of time up to and including three working days without pay. This provision, however, is subject to any local employment rules and practices presently or hereinafter enacted by the village and any union rules or regulations presently or hereinafter accepted by the village.
(B) Recommend appointments of village officers designated by state statute or village ordinance; and also recommend the suspension or removal of the following officers, employees and persons retained for services by the village: Village Attorney; Treasurer; Chief of Police; Fire Chief; Director of Community Development; Director of Emergency Management; Director of Parks and any others which are by village ordinance, or applicable provision of the state statutes all appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Village Board of Trustees.
(C) Annually prepare the budget in conjunction with the Finance Director and submit it together with a message describing the important features and be responsible for its administration after adoption.
(D) As of the end of the fiscal year, furnish a complete report of the finances and administrative activities of the village for the preceding year.
(E) Keep the Village Board advised of the financial condition and future needs of the village, and make such recommendations as he or she may deem desirable.
(F) Recommend any changes to the wage policy ordinance's standard schedule of pay for each appointive office and position in the village service, including minimum, intermediate and maximum rates.
(G) From time to time, recommend adoption of such measures as he or she may deem necessary or expedient for the health, safety or welfare of the community or for the improvement of administrative services.
(H) Recommend the creating, consolidating and combining of offices, positions, departments or units of the administrative and executive departments of the village.
(I) Attend all meetings of the Village Board unless excused therefrom and take part in the discussion of all matters coming before the Village Board. The administrator shall be entitled to notice of all regular and special meetings of the Village Board.
(J) Supervise the purchase of all materials, supplies and equipment for which funds are provided in the budget; let contracts necessary for operation or maintenance of village services for amounts up to and including $10,000, that for a purchase of more than $10,000, he or she shall be required to solicit three or more sealed bids, such bids shall be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval or rejection. When three bids are not submitted by competitive vendors, the Administrator may recommend waiver of the bidding process under ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 8-9-1 or any successor to that statute. No purchase shall be made, contract let or obligation incurred for any item or service which exceeds the current appropriation without a supplemental appropriation by the Village Board. The Village Administrator may issue such rules governing purchasing procedures within the administrative organization as the Village Board shall approve.
(K) See that all laws and ordinances are duly enforced.
(L) Investigate the affairs of any department or division under his or her jurisdiction. Investigate all complaints in relation to matters under his or her jurisdiction concerning the administration of the government of the village, and in regard to service maintained by the Public Utilities in the village, and see that all franchises, permits and privileges granted by the village are faithfully observed.
(M) Devote his or her entire working time to the discharge of his or her official duties.
(N) Perform such other duties as may be required by the Village Board, not inconsistent with the village ordinances.
(O) Perform in emergencies as follows:
(1) In case of accident, disaster or other circumstances creating a public emergency, the Village Administrator, with approval of the Mayor or two Village Trustees may award contracts and make purchases for the purpose of meeting said emergency for amounts up to and including $10,000, and he or she shall promptly file with the Village Clerk a certificate showing such emergency and the necessity for such action, together with an itemized account for all expenditures and request that these expenditures be ratified at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Village Board.
(2) In the event the public emergency described in division (O)(1) above results in a catastrophic loss or need for expenditures of more than $10,000, the Administrator shall consult with the Mayor (or in his or her absence, the most senior Village Trustee available) and secure his or her approval to the expenditures. A certificate shall promptly be filed with the Village Clerk and the Village Board asked to ratify the expenditures as quickly as possible, in a special meeting if necessitated by the scope of the emergency.
(P) Coordinate with the Village Clerk a proper and complete agenda for every Village Board meeting.
(Ord. 2019-O-14, passed 6-4-19)