(A)   Intent and applicability.
      (1)   Intent. To minimize the impact that one zoning district may have on a neighboring district and to provide a transition between districts.
      (2)   General applicability. Applies to all DT districts.
(B)   Side & Rear Buffer Requirements
(1)   Buffer Depth & Location
Varies based on the zoning district
of the lot and the adjacent lot; see
Table (5) 1.   a
Location on the Site
Locate buffers on more intensively zoned lot; Buffer is measured from side and rear lot lines.
(2)   Required Landscape Screen
5' landscape screen in addition to any other buffer landscaping   b
Directly adjacent to the rear or side lot line
Continuous double row of shrubs
required between shade trees   c
Hedge Composition
Double row of individual shrubs with a minimum width of 24", spaced no more than 36" on center; Mature height in one year of 24"
Hedge Frequency
Minimum of 15 shrubs per 100' of lot line is required
Shade Trees
At least 1 medium or large shade
tree per every 40' within the buffer   d
(3)   Buffer Landscape Requirements
Uses and Materials
Uses and materials other than those indicated are prohibited within the buffer
Tree Canopy Coverage
1 medium or large shade tree required per 2,000 square feet of buffer, excluding the area within the required landscape screen
Existing Vegetation
May be credited toward buffer area
1   The Director may reduce width of buffer, width of landscape screen, or location of landscape screen based on existing landscaping and topography.
Figure (5) 1 Landscape Screen within Light Side & Rear Buffer
Buffer Requirements between Downtown Districts
Buffer Required by these Districts
DT 1
DT 2
DT 3
DT 4
DT 1
not required
not required
not required
not required
DT 2
not required
not required
not required
not required
DT 3
not required
not required
not required
not required
DT 4
not required
not required
Any existing single family
Table (5)1. Side & Rear Buffer Requirements between District.
(Ord. 2014-O-9, passed 5-20-14)