(A)   Signs shall be classified and permitted in accordance with the regulations set forth in this chapter. This chapter shall be strictly construed, wherein signs not specifically permitted shall be prohibited. The classification for signs hereafter set forth shall be in accordance with the various zoning districts designated now or hereafter established in the Zoning Code. All such permitted signs shall require an application for and issuance of a sign permit indicating that the sign conforms to the provisions of this chapter before they may be erected.
   (B)   No portability of surface area. There shall be no portability of unused permitted surface area for any sign to any other permitted sign unless otherwise provided for in this chapter.
   (C)   PUD signage. The village may permit additional or different signage, or require different standards for signage as part of final approval of a PUD at the time of such approval.
   (D)   Calculation of the surface area of a sign. The total surface of a sign shall be calculated based upon the perimeter of the sign as defined in “surface area of a sign” in § 158.02. The width of a frame shall be included in the area of calculation. Should letters or graphics be mounted directly on a wall or in any such way as to be without a frame, the dimensions for calculating the square footage shall be the area contained with the periphery formed around such letters or graphics bounded by straight lines connecting the outermost points thereof. All sides of a multi-faced sign structure shall be used in computing total surface area. Signs 18 inches or less in depth that do not contain advertising or promotional information on the sides that constitute such depth are considered flat surface signs for the purpose of calculating gross square footage. Signs over 18 inches in depth are considered multi-faced or irregular-shaped signs and shall be computed on the basis of the sum of the square foot area of each surface face, excluding the top and the bottom edges. When measuring the surface area of pole or pylon signs, the surface area of poles or pylons supporting the sign shall not be included in the total surface area, provided that no lettering, graphics, logos or other copy is affixed to or displayed upon such supports.
   (E)   Calculation of sign height. The total sign height of a free-standing sign shall be calculated to be the vertical distance of the sign structure measured from grade to the highest point on the sign if it is on level or essentially level ground, or at the middle point of the sign if it is located on a slope. All measurements shall be made only upon private property under the ownership of the permittee establishment. Under no circumstances shall artificial slopes, berms or other artificial means of raising the base elevation be created upon which signs are to be erected in order to increase the effective height of the sign beyond that which is permitted by this chapter. Height calculations where planters are employed shall begin at the base, and not at the top of such planters.
   (F)   Private sign covenants. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the owner or property manager of a shopping center, multiple business center other similar multi-tenant or multi-user property, or other business, industrial or institutional use to impose and enforce private sign covenants upon such property which may be more restrictive or which may set higher standards than the provisions of this chapter. However, in the case of conflict between the village’s regulations and the private sign covenants, the more restrictive regulations or the higher standards shall govern. The village shall not be responsible for enforcement of private sign covenants.
(Ord. 2010-O-1, passed 1-5-10)