For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CURBSIDE. The approved point of collection which shall be within five feet of the edge of the paved street.
   GARBAGE. All household and kitchen wastes, such as discarded food or food residues and paper necessarily used for wrapping same, books, boxes and cartons, providing all such materials are placed in suitable containers and not left in piles on the ground, and small amounts of sod, earth and rocks, provided the last three items listed are put in suitable containers of reasonable, movable weight. It shall also include do-it-yourself home remodeling and repair construction materials, and not commercial remodeling and construction materials, provided the items are put in suitable containers or bundles of reasonably movable weight.
   RECYCLABLE MATERIAL/MATERIALS. Aluminum cans, tin and/or steel cans, plastic milk jugs (HDPE), newspaper, glass bottles/containers or other materials specified by the village, the hauler or the contract.
   RECYCLING CONTAINERS. The container provided by the contract hauler to residents for the specific purpose of storing recyclable materials on site and for placing those materials curbside for collection. Exact size, shape and color of the container may vary from time to time, however, recycling containers will be clearly marked for use as a recycling container only.
(Ord. 2004-O-15, passed 9-7-04)