For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
APPROVED CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM or ALARM. A carbon monoxide alarm that complies with all the requirements of the rules and regulations of the Illinois State Fire Marshal, bears the label of a nationally recognized testing laboratory, and complies with the most recent standards of the Underwriters Laboratories or the Canadian Standard Association.
BATTERY BACKUP. In addition to 110 volt AC primary power source, such alarms shall receive power from a chemical battery when the AC primary power source is interrupted.
BATTERY OPERATED. Not permanently connected to 110 volt building wiring, but powered by one or more chemical batteries.
DWELLING UNIT. A room or suite of rooms used for human habitation, and includes a single-family residence as well as each living unit of a multiple-family residence and each living unit in a mixed use building.
HARD-WIRED. Permanently connected to 110 volt AC building wiring, equipped with battery backup.
(Ord. 2007-O-1, passed 1-16-07)