(A)   New construction. Any new commercial or industrial structure and any residential structure with two or more dwelling units shall have a fire alarm system installed prior to occupancy.
   (B)   Remodeling. Any existing structure other than residential buildings with less than four dwelling units shall add a fire alarm system for the entire structure regardless of building separation, fire-rated assemblies and type of construction, at any time that any addition, major renovation (50% or more), or expansion of the structure increases the gross square footage of the structure as it existed on January 1, 2003 by 2,500 square feet or more.
   (C)   Connection required. All fire alarm systems shall be connected to the Winthrop Harbor Police/Fire Dispatch Center or other alarm service provider duly designated by the village for such purposes by direct connection. In the event of the activation of any such system, an alarm shall sound on the premises and an alarm shall be transmitted to the dispatch center or alarm service provider in order to alert the Fire Department.
   (D)   Compliant systems. At all times, the Fire Department shall maintain a list of commercially available and approved fire alarm systems, and shall freely distribute such list to all building owners and occupants upon request. The Fire Department shall not recommend any particular system or be required to provide any engineering or design services, but shall review all submitted plans prior to installation as part of the building permit approval process to ensure compliance with this section.
   (E)   Maintenance. All fire alarm systems must remain operational and in good working order at all times.
   (F)   Liability. All owners of structures regulated under this section shall have a non-delegable duty to ensure that all such fire alarms remain operational and in good working order at all times. All building tenants and occupants, other than residential apartment dwellers, have a joint and several duty with the building owner to ensure that all such fire alarms remain operational and in good working order at all times.
   (G)   Controlled areas. All buildings required to have fire alarms under this section shall have fire alarm sensors and warning devices installed in all living areas and all common areas of the structure, including, but not limited to, hallways, vestibules, storage rooms, entryways, laundry rooms and attached garages.
(Ord. 2003-O-1, passed 1-21-03; Am. Ord. 2003-O-24, passed 8-5-03; Am. Ord. 2007-O-11, passed 5-1-07) Penalty, see § 93.99