(A) The following street intersections are hereby declared to be "stop" intersections:
Intersection Description | Ord. No. | Passage Date |
Intersection Description | Ord. No. | Passage Date |
Adams Avenue stopping traffic at 11th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Aiken Alley stopping northbound traffic at 12th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Aiken Alley stopping southbound traffic at 13th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Aiken Court stopping northbound traffic at 13th and 14th Streets | 1989-O-3 | 1-17-88 |
Aiken Court stopping southbound traffic at 14th Street | 1989-O-3 | 1-17-88 |
Alton Court stopping traffic at 9th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
East Broadway Avenue stopping traffic at 9th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
West Broadway Avenue stopping traffic at 9th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
West Broadway Avenue stopping northbound traffic at 13th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Cavin Avenue stopping southbound traffic at 3rd Street | 2008-O-1 | 2-5-08 |
Cavin Avenue stopping traffic at 1st Street, southbound traffic at6thStreet and northbound traffic at 4th Street | 1989-O-44; 1990-O-10 | 12-5-89; 4-3-90 |
Cedar Court stopping traffic at Ravine Drive | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Charles Avenue stopping traffic at 9th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Chesapeake Bay stopping traffic at Old Darby Lane | 1992-O-29 | 12-15-92 |
Chestnut Circle stopping traffic at Ravine Drive | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Clearview Court stopping traffic at Prairie Avenue | 1987-O-24 | 6-24-87 |
College Avenue stopping traffic at 1st, 7th, 8th, and 9th Streets | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Creekside Court stopping northbound traffic at 13th Street | 2008-O-1 | 2-5-08 |
Danbury Cove stopping traffic at Old Darby Lane | 1992-O-29 | 12-15-92 |
Deerpath Circle stopping traffic at Ravine Drive | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Intersection Description | Ord. No. | Passage Date |
Intersection Description | Ord. No. | Passage Date |
Deerpath Drive stopping traffic at Ravine Drive | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Ellis Avenue stopping traffic at 9th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
English Lane stopping traffic at Washington Avenue | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Fifth Street stopping westbound traffic at Roberts Road | 1993-O-03 | 3-2-93 |
Fossland Avenue stopping southbound traffic at 5th Street | 2008-O-1 | 2-5-08 |
Franklin Avenue stopping traffic at 7th, 9th, 10th, and 12th Streets | 1986-O-28; 1990-O-31 | 10-7-86; 11-20-90 |
Fulton Avenue stopping traffic at 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 14thStreets | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Funderburk Drive stopping traffic at 14th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Garnett Avenue stopping traffic at 1st, 5th and 7th Streets | 1986-O-28; 1991-O-29 | 10-7-86; 11-5-91 |
Garnett Avenue stopping southbound traffic at3rd Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Geddes Avenue stopping traffic at 1st and 7th Streets | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Geddes Avenue stopping northbound traffic at 3rd and 5th Streets | 1989-O-28 | 8-1-89 |
Holdridge Avenue stopping traffic at 1st, 7th, and 9th Streets | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Holdridge Avenue stopping northbound traffic at 5th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Ja-Lor Court stopping traffic at Holdridge Avenue | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Kimberly Lane stopping traffic at 9th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Kimberly Lane stopping southbound traffic at 10th Street | 1989-O-3 | 1-17-88 |
Kirkwood Avenue stopping traffic at 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 8th, and9thStreets | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Kirkwood Avenue stopping northbound traffic at 3rd Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Landon Avenue stopping traffic at 7th, 9th, 11th, and 13th Streets | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Landon Avenue stopping northbound traffic at 14th Street | 1990-O-31 | 11-20-90 |
Mary Avenue stopping traffic at 11th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Meadow Court stopping traffic at Meadow Lane | 1987-O-24 | 6-24-87 |
Megan Place stopping southbound traffic at 5th Street | 2008-O-1 | 2-5-08 |
Monroe Avenue stopping traffic at 9th and 11th Streets | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Monroe Avenue stopping southbound traffic at 15th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
North Avenue stopping traffic at 1st Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Oakdale Avenue stopping traffic at 3rd Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Old Darby Lane stopping traffic at Roberts Road | 1992-O-29 | 12-15-92 |
Park Avenue stopping traffic at 10th, 12th, 13th, and 15th Streets | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Potomac Lane stopping traffic at Old Darby Lane | 1992-O-29 | 12-15-92 |
Prairie Avenue stopping traffic at 5th Street | 1987-O-24 | 6-24-87 |
Intersection Description | Ord. No. | Passage Date |
Intersection Description | Ord. No. | Passage Date |
Prairie Ridge Drive stopping southbound traffic at 5th Street | 2008-O-1 | 2-5-08 |
Rachel Court stopping westbound traffic at Megan Place | 2008-O-1 | 2-5-08 |
Ravine Drive stopping traffic at 7th Street and Sheridan Road | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Ravine Apartments, at driveway, 830 Park Avenue, stopping trafficat 9th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Roberts Road stopping traffic at 9th Street and James Avenue | 1989-O-28 | 8-1-89 |
Runyard Avenue stopping traffic at 4th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Russell Avenue stopping traffic at 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 9th Streets | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Sarah Court stopping westbound traffic at Megan Place | 2008-O-1 | 2-5-08 |
Shields Avenue stopping traffic at 9th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Thompson Avenue stopping traffic at 1st, 3rd, and 6th Streets | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Washington Avenue stopping traffic at 9th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Whitney Avenue stopping traffic at 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Streets | 1987-O-21 | 6-2-87 |
Wilson Avenue stopping traffic at 4th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
1st Street stopping traffic at Sheridan Road | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
2nd Street stopping traffic at College and Geddes Avenues | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
2nd Street stopping traffic at Garnett Avenue | 2008-O-1 | 2-5-08 |
2nd Street stopping westbound traffic at Cavin Avenue | 2008-O-1 | 2-5-08 |
2nd Street stopping westbound traffic at Sheridan Road, RussellAvenue and Holdridge Avenue | 1992-O-15 | 6-16-92 |
2nd Street stopping eastbound traffic at Russell Avenue | 1992-O-15 | 6-16-92 |
3rd Street stopping traffic at Holdridge Avenue | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
3rd Street stopping westbound traffic at Sheridan Road | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
3rd Street stopping eastbound traffic at College Avenue | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
3rd Street stopping traffic at Geddes and Holdridge Avenue | 1991-O-17 | 7-16-91 |
4th Street stopping eastbound traffic at Fossland Avenue | 2008-O-1 | 2-5-08 |
4th Street stopping eastbound traffic at Sheridan Road | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
4th Street stopping traffic at Thompson and Wilson Avenues | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
4th Street stopping westbound traffic at Prairie Ridge Drive | 2008-O-1 | 2-5-08 |
5th Street stopping traffic at Thompson, Russell, College and CavinAvenues | 1989-O-44 | 12-5-89 |
5th Street stopping eastbound traffic at Sheridan Road | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
6th Street stopping traffic at Geddes, College and HoldridgeAvenues | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
6th Street stopping westbound traffic at Garnett Avenue | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
6th Street stopping eastbound traffic at Sheridan Road | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
Intersection Description | Ord. No. | Passage Date |
Intersection Description | Ord. No. | Passage Date |
7th Street stopping traffic at Sheridan Road by light, and by signonThompson, Russell, and Kirkwood Avenues | 1989-O-20 | 8-1-89 |
8th Street stopping traffic eastbound on 8th at Sheridan, Geddes,and Landon | 1989-O-20 | 8-1-89 |
8th Street stopping traffic westbound on 8th Street at Russell andLandon | 1989-O-20 | 8-1-89 |
8th Street pedestrian/bicycle walkway stopping traffic at Holdridge,Thompson (east and westbound), and eastbound trafficat Russell Avenue | 1987-O-31 | 9-1-87 |
8th Street stopping westbound traffic at Russell Avenue | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
9th Street stopping traffic at Lewis Avenue and Sheridan Road (light) | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
10th Street stopping traffic at East Broadway Avenue | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
10th Street stopping westbound traffic at Monroe Avenue | 1989-O-3 | 1-17-88 |
10th Street stopping traffic at Ellis Avenue | 1992-O-29 | 12-15-92 |
11th Street stopping traffic at Sheridan Road, Monroe, East Broadway, and West Broadway Avenues | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
12th Street stopping traffic at Sheridan Road and Adams Avenue | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
13th Street stopping traffic at Monroe and Lewis Avenues | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
13th Street stopping eastbound traffic at West Broadway | 2004-O-6 | 3-16-04 |
14th Street stopping traffic at Monroe Avenue | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
14th Street stopping eastbound traffic at Park Avenue | 1990-O-31 | 11-20-90 |
14th Street stopping traffic at Franklin Avenue | 1990-O-31 | 11-20-90 |
2100 and 2120 11th Street stopping traffic on apartment drivewaysat11th Street | 1986-O-28 | 10-7-86 |
('79 Code, § 1801(28)(d))
(B) The following street intersections are hereby declared to be "four-way stop" intersections:
Intersection Description | Ord. No. | Passage Date |
Intersection Description | Ord. No. | Passage Date |
Franklin Avenue and 13th Street | 1987-O-8 | 2-3-87 |
Franklin Avenue and 14th Street | 1997-O-28 | 11-4-97 |
Fulton Avenue and 10th Street | 1997-O-28 | 11-4-97 |
Geddes Avenue and 3rd Street | 1991-O-17 | 7-16-91 |
Kirkwood Avenue and 6th Street | 1998-O-21 | 9-15-98 |
Monroe Avenue and 11th Street | 1987-O-8 | 2-3-87 |
Roberts Road and James Avenue | 1989-O-20 | 8-1-89 |
Thompson Avenue and 5th Street | 1999-O-33 | 12-21-99 |
6th Street and Holdridge Avenue | 2005-O-22 | 10-4-05 |
7th Street and College Avenue | 1987-O-8 | 2-3-87 |
11th Street and Fulton Avenue | 2008-O-24 | 11-18-08 |
13th Street and Aiken Court | 1987-O-8 | 2-3-87 |
13th Street and Monroe Avenue | 1989-O-20 | 8-1-89 |
('79 Code, § 1801(28)(e)) (Ord. 1998-O-21, passed 9-15-98)
(C) The following street intersections are hereby declared to be "three-way stop" intersections:
Intersection Description | Ord. No. | Passage Date |
Intersection Description | Ord. No. | Passage Date |
Camden Cove stopping traffic at Fairhaven Drive | 1990-O-29 | 10-16-90 |
Casco Bay stopping traffic at Fairhaven Drive | 1990-O-29 | 10-16-90 |
Cedar Court stopping traffic at Ravine Drive | 1990-O-29 | 10-16-90 |
Chestnut Circle stopping traffic at Ravine Drive | 1990-O-29 | 10-16-90 |
Deerpath Drive stopping traffic at Ravine Drive | 1990-O-29 | 10-16-90 |
Meadow Lane stopping traffic at 5th Street | 1987-O-24 | 6-24-87 |
Park Avenue and 14th Street | 1997-O-27 | 11-4-97 |
Roberts Road and Fifth Street | 1995-O-15 | 10-17-95 |
Roberts Road and Old Darby Lane (north end) | 1995-O-15 | 10-17-95 |
5th Street and Prairie Avenue | 2005-O-17 | 8-16-05 |
5th Street stopping east and westbound traffic at Meadow Lane | 1987-O-24 | 6-24-87 |
6th Street stopping traffic at College Avenue | 1990-O-26 | 9-4-90 |
7th Street stopping traffic at Kirkwood Avenue | 1987-O-8 | 2-3-87 |
10th Street stopping southbound traffic at Shields Avenue | 1989-O-3 | 1-17-88 |
10th Street stopping westbound and eastbound traffic at Kimberly Avenue | 2004-O-17 | 9-21-04 |
10th Street stopping westbound and eastbound traffic at Shields Avenue | 1989-O-3 | 1-17-88 |
('79 Code, § 1801(28)(g))
(D) Penalty. Every person who is convicted of a violation of this schedule shall be punished by a fine as set forth in § 70.99.