(A)   All surfaces, streets, pavements, ditches, lawns, and the like shall be restored to their original state or better. Any variance from this procedure must be by written request and approval only. Requests must be made to the Superintendent or his representative and shall state the reasons for variations and the alternate plans for restoration.
   (B)   All drain tile encountered in trenching or excavating for a sanitary sewer connection shall upon completion of the sewer tile or pipe, be restored to its original condition and caused to operate to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of the system.
   (C)   Any person, firm, or corporation making any excavation or tunnel in or under any street, alley, or public place in the village shall restore said street, alley, or public place to its original condition, including the surfacing, which shall be done promptly upon the completion of the work for which the excavation or tunnel was made.
      (1) In case of any unreasonable delay in so doing, the Village President shall give notice to the person, firm, or corporation that unless the excavation or tunnel is refilled with sand and the surface relaid so as to be in the same condition as it was prior to the excavation within ten days, then the village will do the work and charge the expense of doing the same to such person, firm, or corporation.
      (2) If within the time mentioned the conditions of the above notice have not been met, the work shall be done by the village, an accurate account of the expense involved shall be kept, and the total cost shall be charged to the person, firm, or corporation who made the excavation or tunnel.
('79 Code, § 909) (Ord. 1983-O-6, passed 4-19-83) Penalty, see § 52.999