(A)   No person shall cause to have any part of his property graded, land-filled, or elevated in such a manner that surface water collected upon said property drains upon neighboring properties, whether occupied or not. Suitable facilities must be provided either to drain such water into existing storm sewers, with village permission, or in areas of the village where storm sewers are not installed, into natural terrain drainage as may be recommended by the Village Engineer.
   (B)   Water discharged from a basement or crawl space sump pump must be so piped into a storm sewer, if available, or otherwise suitably channeled into a discharge pit located on the immediate property so as not to constitute a flooding danger to contiguous or surrounding properties, whether occupied or not. This pit shall be installed at a minimum distance equal to 35 feet from any R.O.W. line or drainage easement. The pit shall be a minimum of six feet long x six feet deep excavation, backfilled with washed stone (1 to 2 inch gradation), to within four inches of the proposed finished grade. Filter fabric shall cover the stone with four inches of topsoil and seed. A four foot long vertical (four inch or six inches in diameter) perforated pipe with open grate shall be installed at the lowest finished grade elevation of the pit to provide relief for excess flowage. In no event shall a direct (pipe) discharge to any village drainage ditch or easement be allowed. Under no circumstances shall any person install or maintain a sump pump discharge which empties onto any public sidewalk. Artificial lakes, ponds, reservoirs, cisterns, swimming pools, or other similar permanent or semipermanent collectors and retainers of water must be piped and equipped with suitable drainage facilities as to present no flooding danger to neighboring properties in the event of filling excessively by rains or when purposely drained.
('79 Code, § 1109) (Ord. 1983-O-5, passed 4-19-83; Am. Ord. 1995-O-5, passed 5-2-95; Am. Ord. 2015-O-10, passed 4-7-15) Penalty, see § 50.999