(A)   The permit fee for making connection to water mains of the system within the corporate limits, to be hereinafter designated as a water tap-on fee, shall be as follows:
(1)   Single-family home
(2)   Duplex-family home with independent connections, per connection
(3)   Apartments, condominiums, or multiple- family dwellings with 1 inch service   connection (plus $200 per unit)
(4)   Apartments, condominiums, or multiple- family dwellings with 1½ inch or larger service connection (plus $200 per unit)
(5)   Commercial, industrial and service buildings with ¾-inch service connections
(6)   Commercial, industrial and service buildings with 1 to 1½ inch service connections (plus $150 per ¼ inch over 1 inch)
(7)   Commercial, industrial and service buildings with 2 inch and larger service connections (to be determined by the Village Board at the time of application)
(8)   In addition to the tap-on fees so established, any meter required for service larger than 1 inch shall be charged for on a current delivered cost-plus-10% basis.
   (B)   Also with respect to property adjacent to water mains and in addition to the cost of the water tap- on fee for each connection, there shall be an additional connection charge (hereinafter sometimes designated as a water property charge) to users connecting to such water mains constructed or acquired by the village of $1,600 for each lot frontage of 50 feet or less. For lot frontages in excess of 50 feet, the water property charge shall be $1,600 plus $32 for each front foot that the frontage exceeds 50 feet, and such water property charge shall be designated for the construction, expansion, and extension of the works of the system.
      (1)   The funds thus collected shall be used by the village for its general corporate purposes with primary application thereof being made by the necessary expansion of the works of the system to meet the requirements of new users thereof.
      (2)   The front footage is determined by the width of that side of the lot which the house faces.
   (C)   In no event is this section to be construed as obligating the village to construct water mains in areas not now served where the cost of such construction is not feasible or where the water property charge hereinabove will not adequately reimburse the village for the cost of such construction.
   (D)   The permit fee for making connection to public water mains of the system within the corporate limits for property which is not adjacent to water mains, to be hereinafter designated as a water tap-on fee, shall be $2,000 and showing of proof of the necessary easements.
   (E)   The sums herein provided to be paid as a water property charge shall be in addition to and exclusive of all other charges required and fixed by ordinance for connection with village mains.
('79 Code, § 1106) (Ord. 1983-O-5, passed 4-19-83; Am. Ord. 1983-O-12 passed 6-21-83; Am. Ord. 1987-O-23, passed 6-2-87; Am. Ord. 1988-O-31, passed 9-20-88; Am. Ord. 1989-O-32, passed 9-6-89; Am. Ord. 1990-O-22, passed 8-7-90; Am. Ord. 1996-O-26, passed 12-17-96; Am. Ord. 2004-O-13, passed 8-3-04)