(A) The owner of any house, business establishment or other building used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or business situated within the village and abutting or adjoining on any street, alley, or right-of-way in which there is now located or may in the future be located any storm or sanitary sewer or water supply shall at their own expense be required to connect to the appropriate sewer and/or water system, in accordance with appropriate village ordinances.
(B) Connection to the appropriate village facilities, as required, shall be made within 180 days after the date of official notice to do so. There will be no extension of the time granted to extend the connection period.
(C) Every new structure must connect to the appropriate sewer and/or water system of the village if within 400 feet of such system (excluding the crossing of any street, alley, right-of-way, or easement) as stated in 1975-O-2, "Housing Code of Winthrop Harbor."
(D) Whenever it shall be required to extend any storm or sanitary sewer or water main, the course (direction) of said extension shall be determined by the Superintendent of Public Works and submitted to the Board of Trustees for final acceptance and approval thereby providing the means towards an efficient, comprehensive system.
('79 Code, § 1104) (Ord. 1983-O-5, passed 4-19-83; Am. Ord. 1989-O-6, passed 3-7-89; Am. Ord. 1989-O-34, passed 8-15-89; Am. Ord. 1996-O-22, passed 12-3-96) Penalty, see § 50.999