(A)   A discount, as provided in this chapter, shall be granted to all senior citizens who meet the necessary qualifications as described herein:
   (B)   Each person applying for the discount shall file in person, except as provided in this chapter, with the Village Clerk, on a form to be furnished by the Clerk, an application certifying that he or she is age 65, or older and permanently residing in the single-family residence within the village for which he or she is applying for the discount.
   (C)   The discount shall consist of a 10% reduction of the water only portion of the actual billing. There will be no minimum, nor maximum water usage requirement. No discount shall be provided for any sewer services.
   (D)   The water service billing for the residence in question shall be registered in the name of the applicant or his or her spouse.
   (E)   The applicant shall provide proof of age by a current drivers license, state identification card, or birth certificate. If the applicant is unable to personally appear in the Clerk's office due to a physical handicap or illness, the applicant shall be granted the discount if their medical doctor furnishes a written statement of the applicant's inability to appear in person, and the applicant's age.
(Ord. 1990-O-14, passed 6-5-90; Am. Ord. 1991-O-04, passed 2-5-91)