(A)   Measurement of flow. The volume of flow used for computing basic user charges and surcharges shall be the metered water consumption.
   (B)   Waterworks meters and outside reading registers (Touchpads). All premises using water from the municipal water supply must be equipped with an adequate water meter procured from the village by the plumbing contractor. All new construction, remodeling or alterations must have a water meter and backflow prevention device installed (in accordance with § 150.076(A)(3)) prior to the insulation inspection.
      (1)   The Board of Trustees, with the recommendation of the Superintendent of Public Works and the Village Engineer, shall in all cases determine the kind and pattern of water meters, fittings, and valves to be installed and no other kind shall be installed at any time.
      (2)   Water meters shall be located at such places and in such manner where they are readily accessible for reading, testing, and repairs, within the premises to be served. All such installations shall be made in accordance with the specifications to be prescribed by the Superintendent and such meter locations must be so situated as to prevent freezing of water flowing through such meters.
      (3)   All new water services shall be metered and an outside "Touchpad" shall be installed in a readily accessible area, not less than 42 inches and not more than 60 inches, above the top of the foundation, adjacent to the driveway area or on the front portion of the house, on the outside of the building.
      (4)   It shall be the responsibility of the builder or owner to install conduit and the wire, from the meter to the outside of the building where the touchpad shall be installed, following the specification as outlined in division (B)(3) hereof. The builder or owner shall provide a secure, flush, and finished end of the conduit on the exterior finished surface of the building. The builder or the owner shall also provide a single strand 14 gauge wire with an insulated jacket pull wire, with a minimum of a 12 inch lap on each end. The conduit shall be run in accordance to all applicable electrical codes, and shall be inspected and accepted by the Electrical Inspector.
      (5)   The meter and fittings shall be available and properly issued during regular office hours from the village office.
      (6)   The Public Works Superintendent or his or her representative shall install the “Touchpad”, and attach the required seals upon written notification of the Building and Zoning Department’s approval of the meter installation. Touchpad devices must be installed prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy.
      (7)   In no case shall a water service line be connected to the building’s plumbing system until such time as the meter has been installed, prior to which the service line shall have been flushed of any foreign materials that could cause damage to the meter.
      (8)   New services include but are not limited to water service in new construction of all types.
      (9)   The owners of the premises serviced by water and/or sewer shall be solely responsible for all repairs or replacement of meters or parts therein, whether due to malicious or willful damage, freezing, hot water backing, wear, age, obsolescence, or any other reason whatsoever, and said owners must bear all costs of repairing or replacing said meters on a time and material basis, when the same become damaged, worn out, or obsolete as determined by the Superintendent of Public Works. All water meters installed in the village must be procured by the property owner from the village, and the charges for the same shall be the actual cost paid by the village, plus any shipping or other add-on charges, together with an additional 5% to cover administrative expenses and the cost of maintaining stockpiles of meters. All work performed in installing the said meters shall be at the sole expense of the owner, provided that the installation shall be inspected and approved by the Superintendent of Public Works and all fees and costs paid in full prior to authorizing the turning on of water service at the Buffalo Box serving the building.
   (C)   Water sources other than the public waterworks system. If the person discharging wastes into the public sewers procures any part, or all, of his or her water from sources other than the public waterworks system, all or a part of which is discharged into the public sewers, the person shall install and maintain, at his or her expense, water meters of a type approved by the Superintendent for the purpose of determining the volume of water obtained from these other sources.
   (D)   Devices for measuring the volume of waste discharged. Such devices may be required by the Superintendent if these volumes cannot otherwise be determined from the metered water consumption records.
   (E)   Metering devices for determining the volume of waste. Such devices shall be installed, owned, and maintained by the person. Following approval and installation, such meters may not be removed, unless service is canceled, without the consent of the Superintendent.
   (F)   In the event a property owner requests a test of the water meter in any building, the Superintendent of Public Works shall provide the test upon payment of a $50 deposit. In the event the test proves that the meter is accurate, the deposit shall be used to compensate the village for the costs incurred in providing this service. In the event the test shows that the meter is defective, the deposit shall be returned to the owner without deduction. Any defective meter must be replaced at the owner's expense, pursuant to division (B)(9) of this section, provided, however, that the village shall attempt to secure a refund from the manufacturer of any defective meter that is still covered by a warranty, and if such refund is secured, it shall promptly be paid over to the owner.
('79 Code, § 1103) (Ord. 1983-O-5, passed 4-19-83; Am. Ord. 1984-O-9, passed 3-20-84; Am. Ord. 1986-O-1, passed 1-28-86; Am. Ord. 1986-O-25, passed 9-16-86; Am. Ord. 1990-O-36, passed 12-18-90; Am. Ord. 1995-O-6, passed 5-2-95; Am. Ord. 2015-O-4, passed 2-3-15) Penalty, see § 50.99