(A)   The village recognizes that the Village Clerk does not have unlimited storage capacity, and that state law allows the destruction of several categories of routine documents after specific periods of time, and this section is designed and intended to require that these documents be kept for a sufficient period to allow any challenges or disputes to be resolved, and yet permit the Clerk to clear out old and useless documentation so that the business of the village is not impeded by expensive and pointless document retention.
   (B)   All ordinances, resolutions and minutes of any Board or Commission of the village shall be kept in perpetuity.
   (C)   All time cards, W-2s, W-9s, and other routine financial and tax information relative to any of the village’s employees shall be retained for seven years.
   (D)   All information relative to accounts payable and receivable shall be retained for seven years.
   (E)   All information relative to licenses and permits issued to any person or entity by the village shall be retained for two years.
   (F)   All general correspondence not involving matters of an ongoing nature, or which relate only generally to village business shall be retained for two years.
   (G)   The Clerk shall review the village’s stored files and purge any documents that have been kept at least as long as set forth above, and which do not appear to involve any ongoing matters, and shall cause the same to be securely destroyed.
   (H)   The Clerk shall keep a general index of all destroyed documents.
(Ord. 2003-O-5, passed 4-1-03)