All applicants for zoning, variances or other matters which require the village to obtain the assistance of professionals (including by way of example but not limitation attorneys, architects, engineers, land planners or accountants) shall bear all expenses related thereto. To clarify the relationship between the applicant and the village, the applicants shall be asked to sign a “Professional Fee Agreement” at the time of application, or at such later time as the need for specific professional services becomes evident. The agreement shall be in the following form:
Professional Fee Agreement
The undersigned, in making an application or request of the Village of Winthrop Harbor, hereby agrees that:
1) In processing an application or request, or in considering any matter, should the Village of Winthrop Harbor incur any professional fees or other costs, including but not limited to engineering fees, planning fees, attorney’s fees, and other fees, the applicant in any matter shall be responsible for the fees.
a) Whenever the applicant is required by village ordinance or rule, state or federal law, to submit plans, specifications or other documents to the Village Engineer, Attorney or other employee of the village, for his review, comments and approval or disapproval, such person or entity shall be responsible for the fees charged to the village in connection therewith.
b) Whenever the applicant shall, of his or her own volition submit plans, specifications or other documents to the Village Engineer, Attorney or other employee of the village for his review, approval, disapproval or comments upon the plans, specifications or other documents, the person or entity submitting the same shall be responsible for the fee charges by the employee in connection therewith.
2) The applicant shall be required to deposit necessary anticipated funds prior to the professional fees or other costs being incurred by the Village of Winthrop Harbor in those instances in which the village requires that the applicant reimburse fees or other costs incurred by the village in connection with the applicants request.
3) The applicant shall pay the fees to the village promptly after request. The Village Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting the fee and disbursing same, on the approval of and at the direction of the Village Board, on account of the fees and costs.
4) This agreement is made pursuant to Winthrop Harbor Ordinance , adopted by the Village Board of Winthrop Harbor on ____________.
Applicant | Phone |
Address | City and State |
Signature | Date |
Received and Accepted by
The Village of Winthrop Harbor by:
Village Official | Date |
Village of Winthrop Harbor | Adopted at |
830 Sheridan Road, Winthrop Harbor IL 60096 | Board Meeting |
(Ord. 2002-O-17, passed 4-16-02)