(A) Any member of the Fire Department who is in good standing shall be eligible to appointment to any office in the Department, unless he holds an elective remunerative public office or unless he is a candidate for such an office.
(B) The Department shall consist of a Chief, Assistant Chiefs, and such other officers as the Chief may deem necessary.
(C) The Chief shall be appointed by the President by and with the consent of the Board of Trustees for a term of one year and until his successor is appointed. He may be removed by the President and a majority of the Board of Trustees but only for just cause and after a public hearing before the Board of Trustees.
(D) The Chief shall be held accountable to the President and the Board of Trustees only, and shall make written and verbal reports thereto as the Board of Trustees may require. All other Fire Department officers shall be accountable to the Chief only.
(E) The Assistant Chiefs and all other Department officers shall be appointed by the Chief. Such officers and members shall be accountable only to the Chief and shall be subject to removal by him. Any person so removed shall, within a 15-day period, have a right of appeal to a three-person Board of Appeals. Said Board shall meet within 15 days of the filing of such an appeal and present its
findings to the next regular meeting of the Department. Any such finding of the Board of Appeals shall be final unless rejected by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the meeting to which the report was submitted.
(1) The members of the Board of Appeals shall be selected as follows: one member by the Chief of the Department, one member by the Village President upon the advice and consent of a majority of the Board of Trustees, and one member selected by the membership of the Department. In the event the member selected by the members of the Department becomes an officer of the Department, his membership on the Board of Appeals shall terminate.
(2) Any vacancies on the Board of Appeals shall be filled in the respective manner above set forth.
('79 Code, § 600(1))