(A)   President Pro Tem. The Village Board shall elect one of its members to act as President Pro Tem at the first meeting following the qualification of Trustees after each municipal election. The President Pro Tem shall chair meetings of the Village Board in the absence of the President. If the President is temporarily absent from the village for a period greater than three days or suffers a disability which temporarily incapacitates him or her from the performance of his or her duties, but does not create a vacancy in the office, the President Pro Tem shall perform the duties and possess all the rights, responsibilities and powers of the President. If the President expects to be absent from the village for a period greater than three days, he or she shall notify the President Pro Tem in writing of such absence and file a copy of the notice with the Village Clerk.
   (B)   Vacancy in office. A vacancy in the office of President shall be deemed to occur in case of failure to qualify within 30 days after election; death, resignation or removal of residence from the village; conviction of a felony; absence from more than four consecutive regular meetings of the Village Board for reasons other than sickness; conviction of malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in exercising the powers of his or her office; or continuous absence from the village for more than 30 days, but if additional time is needed, leave may be granted by the Village Board for a longer absence.
   (C)   Acting President. When a vacancy in the office of President occurs, the Village Board shall, without delay, appoint an eligible person to fill the office as Acting President. The Acting President shall perform the duties and possess all the rights, responsibilities and powers of the president until a successor to fill the vacancy has been elected at a consolidated municipal election of the voters of the village and has qualified, all pursuant to the provisions described in ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 3.1-10-50.
(Ord. 2020-O-8, passed 5-5-20)