The order of business at meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be as follows:
(A) Roll call.
(B) Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
(C) Absent officials wishing to attend remotely.
(D) Approval of minutes of previous meeting or meetings.
(E) Mayor’s report.
(F) Village Administrator's report.
(G) Clerk's correspondence.
(H) Old business.
(I) Liaisons' reports on new business.
(J) Public comment.
(K) Other business.
(L) Closed session for any purpose allowed by law under the Illinois Open Meetings Act, ILCS Ch. 5, Act 120, § 1, et. seq., including but not limited to personnel, collective bargaining, purchase, sale or lease of land and litigation.
(M) Adjournment.
(‘79 Code, § 206) (Am. Ord. 2020-O-2, passed 1-21-20)