(A)   A Finance Officer shall be appointed by the Town Manager and shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Manager.
   (B)   It shall be the duty of the Finance Officer to:
      (1)   Receive and faithfully keep moneys which he or she shall receive on behalf of the town;
      (2)   Keep an accurate account of all moneys deposited with him or her or by him or her and disbursed by him or her for the town;
      (3)   Supply the Board with the information as it may require of him or her relating to finances;
      (4)   Make a monthly report to the Board of all receipts and disbursements of funds of the town;
      (5)   Disburse funds for the various purposes of the town only when an appropriation for the purpose has been made in the annual budget and the disbursement is authorized by the Board; and
      (6)   Do the other and further acts as the Town Manager may require.
(1992 Code, § 31.05)  (Ord. 06-O-207, passed 2-13-2006)
Statutory reference:
   Duties of Finance Officer, see G.S. §§ 159-24 and 159-25