The Subdivision Regulations, as adopted on April 10, 1989, and as amended, copies of which are on file in the office of the Town Clerk, is hereby adopted and incorporated as part of this code of ordinances as fully as if set out at length herein.
(1992 Code, § 154.01) (Ord. passed 4-10-1989; Res. R-01-07108990, passed 7-10-1989; Ord. O-52-02149900, passed 2-14-2000; Ord. 01-53, passed 1-8-2001; Ord. 01-66, passed 3-12-2001; Ord. 01-69, passed 5-14-2001; Ord. 01-O-42, passed 11-13-2002; Ord. 02-O-99, passed 10-14-2002; Ord. 03-O-27, passed 10-13-2003; Ord. 04-O-74, passed 5-10-2004; Ord. 04-O-75, passed 5-10-2004; Ord. 06-O-211, passed 3-13-2006; Ord. 06-O-242, passed 10-9-2006; Ord. 07-O-259, passed 3-12-2007 ; Ord. 08-O-002, passed 1-14-2008 )
   Manual for the Design and Construction of Water and Sewer Systems Extensions see § 156.01
   Manual of Standard Designs and Details, see § 156.01