(A)   Organization of Division. The Inspections Division of the town shall consist of building inspectors (which have plumbing, electrical, mechanical, etc. certifications) or deputy or assistant inspectors as authorized by the governing body.
   (B)   General duties of Division and inspectors. It shall be the duty of the Inspection Division to enforce all of the provisions of this section and of the regulatory codes adopted herein, and to make all inspections necessary to determine whether or not the provisions of this section a dn those codes are being met.
   (C)   Conflicts of interest. No officer or employee of the Inspection Division shall be financially interested in the furnishing of labor, material, or appliances for the construction, alteration, or maintenance of a building or any part thereof, or in the making of plans or specifications within the town’s jurisdiction or the ETJ, unless he or she is the owner of the building. No officer or employee of the Inspections Division shall engage in any work which is inconsistent with his or her duties or with the interests of the town.
   (D)    Report and records. The Inspections Division, and each inspector, shall keep complete, permanent and accurate records in convenient for of all applications received, permits issued, inspections and re-inspections made, and all other work and activities of the Inspection Division. Periodic reports shall be submitted to the Town Council, and to other agencies as required.
   (E)   Inspection procedure.
      (1)   Inspections. The Inspections Division shall inspect all buildings and structures and work therein for which a permit of any kind has been issues as often as necessary in order to determine whether the work complies with this section and the appropriate codes.
      (2)   When deemed necessary by the appropriate inspector, materials, and assemblies may be inspected at the point of manufacture or fabrication, or inspections may be approved and recognized inspection organizations; provided, no approval shall be based upon reports of such organizations unless the same are in writing and certified by a responsible officer of the organization.
      (3)   All holders of permits, or their agents, shall notify the Inspection Division and/or the appropriate inspector at each stage of construction as outlined in the North Carolina Administrative Code and Policies so that approval may be given before work is continued.
   (F)   Calls for inspection.
      (1)   Requests. Request for inspections may be made to the office of the Inspection Division or to the appropriate inspector. The Inspection Division shall make inspections as soon as practicable after request is made therefore, provided the work is ready for inspection at the time the request is made.
      (2)   Re-inspections maybe made at the convenience of the inspector. No work shall be inspected until it is in proper and completed condition ready for inspection. All work which has been concealed before the inspection and approval shall be uncovered at the request of the inspector and placed in condition for proper inspection. Approval or rejection of the work shall be furnished by the appropriate inspector in the form of a notice posted on the building or given to the permit holder or his or her agent. Failure to call for inspections or proceeding without approval at each stage of construction shall be deemed a violation of this section.
      (3)   Street or alley lines. Where the applicant for a permit proposes to erect any building or structure on the line of any street, alley or other public place, he or she shall secure a survey of the line of the street, alley or other public place, adjacent to the property upon which the building or structure is to be erected before proceeding with construction of the building or structure. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to verify that the building does not encroach upon the street, alley or other public place.
      (4)   Certificate of occupancy.
         (a)   No new building or part thereof shall be occupied, and no addition or enlargement of any existing building shall be occupied, and no existing building after being altered or moved shall be occupied, and no change of occupancy shall be made in any existing building or part thereof, until the Inspection Division has issued a certificate of occupancy therefor. A temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued for a portion or portions of a building which may safely be occupied prior to final completion and occupancy of the entire building. Application for a certificate of occupancy may be made by the owner or his or her agent after all final inspections have been made for new buildings, or, in the case of existing buildings, after supplying the information and data necessary to determine compliance with this article, the appropriate regulatory codes and the Zoning Ordinance for the occupancy intended. The Inspection Division shall issue a certificate of occupancy when, after examination and inspection, it is found that the building in all respects conforms to the provisions of this section, the regulatory codes and the Zoning Ordinance for the occupancy intended.
         (b)   No oversight or dereliction of duty on the part of any inspector or other official or employee of the Inspection Division shall be deemed to legalize the violation of any provision of this section or any provision of any regulatory code herein adopted.
   (G)   Powers of inspection officials.
      (1)   Authority. Inspectors are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to enforce all the provisions of this section and the regulatory codes herein adopted, excepting for the provisions of this section designated to be enforced by the Code Enforcement Coordinator or officer.
      (2)   Right-of-entry. With an appropriate warrant or permission from the owner or occupant, inspectors shall have the right-of-entry on any premises within the jurisdiction of the regulatory codes herein adopted at reasonable hours for the purpose of inspection or enforcement of the requirements of this section and the applicable regulatory codes.
      (3)   Stop orders. Whenever any building or structure or part thereof is being demolished, constructed, reconstructed, altered or repaired in a hazardous manner, or in violation of any provision of this part or any other city ordinance, or in violation of any provision of any regulatory code herein adopted, or in violation of the terms of the permit or permits issued therefor, or in such manner as to endanger life or property, the appropriate inspector may order the work to be immediately stopped. Such order shall be in writing to the owner of the property or to his or her agent, or to the person doing the work, and shall state the reasons therefor and the conditions under which the work may be resumed.
(Ord. 13-O-297, passed 5-13-2013)