§ 31.01  MAYOR.
   It shall be the duty of the Mayor to:
   (A)   Keep himself or herself informed as to the town's business;
   (B)   Preside over the meetings of the Board of Alderpersons;
   (C)   Cause all provisions of this code and the other ordinances of the town to be enforced;
   (D)   Vote on questions before the Board only in the case of a tie vote deadlocking a decision of the Board of Alderpersons;
   (E)   Sign all contracts, franchises or paper-writings authorized by the Board;
   (F)   Appoint the committees and outline their powers and duties as he or she deems with the direction of the Board necessary to properly care for the affairs of the town; and
   (G)   Make the recommendations as he or she deems necessary or expedient to the Board.
(1992 Code, § 31.01)
Statutory reference:
   Duties of the Mayor, see G.S. §§ 160A-67 and 160A-69