(A)   In the event of an existing or threatened state of emergency endangering the lives, safety, health and welfare of the people within the town, or threatening damage to or destruction of property, the Mayor is hereby authorized and empowered to issue a public proclamation declaring to all persons the existence of a state of emergency and, in order to more effectively protect the lives and property of people within the town, to place in affect any of the restrictions authorized in this chapter.
   (B)   The proclamation which the Mayor is hereby authorized and empowered to issue may impose a curfew establishing the application of all or any part of the restrictions to any area specifically designated or described within the corporate limits and to specific hours of the day or night; and to exempt from those restrictions law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other public employees; doctors, nurses, and employees of hospitals and other medical facilities; on-duty military personnel, whether state or federal; on-duty employees of public utilities; public transportation companies, newspaper, magazine, radio and television broadcasting companies operated for profit; and the other classes of persons as may be essential to the preservation of public order and immediately necessary to serve the safety, health, and welfare needs of the people within the town.
   (C)   Each proclamation issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be in at least two duplicate copies signed by the Mayor, one of which shall be posted forthwith on the Town Hall bulletin board and the other placed on file in the office of the Town Clerk as soon thereafter as may be practicable. The Town Clerk shall issue certified copies thereof whenever required as evidence in court or for any other lawful purpose. Upon issuance of the proclamation, the Mayor shall forthwith designate the Town Clerk, or some other qualified person who is immediately available, to provide copies and extracts of the proclamation to representatives of the news media serving the city, and he or she shall take any other reasonable steps within his or her capabilities as may be necessary to procure immediate dissemination to the public of the contents of the proclamation.
   (D)   Each proclamation issued under these provisions shall take effect from the time it is posted on the Town Hall bulletin board. However, if the Town Hall is not accessible for this purpose, the proclamation shall be posted in any public place within the town and shall take effect for the time of posting.
   (E)   In the absence of the Mayor, the Mayor Pro Tem or a quorum of the Board of Alderpersons are hereby authorized to perform all duties assign to the Mayor in this chapter.
(1992 Code, § 99.02) (Ord. O-39-01109900, passed 1-10-2000)