(A)   Purpose. This section sets forth the general guidelines whereby the town provides uniform installation and maintenance of street lights within the town limits. The purpose of street lighting is to illuminate roadways within the town. Street lighting is not for lighting dwellings or commercial properties or for personal security purposes.
   (B)   Placement. The placement of street lighting facilities shall be determined in accordance with the following guidelines:
      (1)   Lighting on straight streets shall be placed approximately 500 feet apart.
      (2)   One fixture shall be placed at each street intersection.
      (3)   One fixture may be placed on sharp curves where visibility is hindered or at other locations where unusual conditions may exist. The 500-foot distance should be observed where possible.
      (4)   Blocks which are shorter than 500 feet normally have lighting fixtures at street intersections. Blocks which are longer than 500 feet may have additional lighting fixtures as required. The 500-foot distance should be observed where possible.
      (5)   One fixture shall be placed at cul-de-sacs and dead ends.
      (6)   The street lighting pattern will follow the existing overhead/underground distribution where possible.
(1992 Code, § 98.75) (Ord. O-30-04089596, passed 4-8-1996)