(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to urinate or deposit any human waste on any street, lot or premises except in an approved sanitary facility. No butcher, fishmonger, huckster or vendor of merchandise of any kind shall leave any refuse on the streets or uncovered by earth on the lots of the town. All putrid or decayed animal or vegetable matter must be removed from all cellars and out of buildings at least once in every 48 hours during the months of May, June, July, August and September, and at least once a week during the other months of the year.
   (B)   No animal that dies by disease or accident and no meat therefrom, nor any animal or meat therefrom killed while feverish, bruised, disabled, injured with broken bones, or otherwise heavy with young, jaded or fatigued from long driving or shipping, or killed or kept in some building or in so close proximity with fumes of gas, or disease or spoiled meat as to become contaminated therefrom or rendered unwholesome or unhealthy thereby, or manipulated with tools used on diseased or other dead carcasses as aforesaid, shall be brought into town, held or offered for sale as food therein.
   (C)   Owners of animals dying in the town shall, upon notice of their death, immediately remove the same. Removal of the animal at least one-half mile beyond the corporate limits of the town must be accomplished within 12 hours from the time of the animal's death.
   (D)   Any animal killed by a railroad train or rail car within the corporate limits of the town shall be removed by the railroad. For failure to observe this section, after having been notified by the Chief of Police or Mayor, a fine shall be imposed on the company.
(1992 Code, § 95.04) Penalty, see § 95.999
   Animals and dogs, see Ch. 91