(A)   The grave opening/closing applicant must request a specific date for the opening and closing.
      (1)   No graves will be opened or closed on two days of the year, November 14 and December 25, unless special arrangements are made.
      (2)   No grave opening/closing request may be made on town non-working days.
      (3)   Applications must be made two working days in advance, unless special arrangements are made.
      (4)   Applications must also state the date the grave is to be opened and closed.
   (B)   Upon receiving a request on a form provided, and fees paid by the grave opening applicant, Public Works personnel shall properly mark the requested grave site for opening, by using flags or other appropriate markings.
      (1)   The number of the grave site will be displayed.
      (2)   The grave opening/closing contractor will be notified by Public Works that the grave plot is ready to be opened.
   (C)   The grave opening/closing contractor shall properly open the grave, by removing the sod and placing it in a location so that it may be reused.
      (1)   The dirt removed shall be properly located in order that it may be returned to cover the grave site.
      (2)   After the grave site is filled in, the sod shall be replaced.
   (D)   The grave opening/closing contractor shall remove from the cemetery all flowers, floral material and other material placed on the grave after burial (except for grave markers), within 15 but no later than 30 days after interment.
      (1)   Also within this time period, any mounded excess soil shall be removed from the grave site, and the grave shall be made level with the surrounding ground.
      (2)    In the event that the grave site has sunk, additional soil shall be added so that the grave is level with the surrounding ground.
(1992 Code, § 92.15) (Ord. 03-O-52, passed 12-8-2003; Ord. 04-O-80, passed 5-10-2004)