(A)   It shall be unlawful for the registered owner or person entitled to possession of a junked motor vehicle, or for the owner, lessee or occupant of the real property upon which a junked motor vehicle is located to leave or allow the vehicle to remain on the property after the vehicle has been ordered to be removed.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful to have more than one junked motor vehicle, as defined herein, on the premises of public or private property. Single permitted junked motor vehicles must strictly comply with the location and concealment requirements of this section.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any owner or person entitled to the possession of a junked motor vehicle, or for the owner, lessee or occupant of the real property, upon which a junked motor vehicle is located, to fail to comply with the locational requirements or the concealment requirements of this section.
   (D)   Subject to the provisions of division (E) below, upon investigation, the authorizing official may order the removal of a junked motor vehicle as defined in § 90.01 after finding in writing that the aesthetic benefits of removing the vehicle outweigh the burdens imposed on the private property owner. The findings shall be based on a balancing of the monetary loss of the apparent owner against the corresponding gain to the public by promoting or enhancing community, neighborhood or area appearance. The following, among other relevant factors, may be considered:
      (1)   Protection of property values;
      (2)   Promotion of tourism and other economic development opportunities;
      (3)   Indirect promotion of public health and safety;
      (4)   Preservation of the character and integrity of the community; and
      (5)   Promotion of the comfort, happiness and emotional stability of area residents.
   (E)   Permitted concealment or enclosure of junked motor vehicle:
      (1)   Location. One junked motor vehicle in its entirety can be located in the rear yard as defined by the zoning code if the junked motor vehicle is entirely concealed from public view from a public street and from abutting premises by acceptable covering.
      (2)   Concealment. The authorizing official of the town has authority to determine whether any junked motor vehicle is adequately concealed as required by this provision. The covering must remain in good repair and must not be allowed to deteriorate. The covering or enclosure must be compatible with the objectives sought to be obtained in this chapter.
      (3)   More than one junked motor vehicle. Any other junked vehicles(s) must be kept in a garage or building structure that provides a complete enclosure so that the junked motor vehicle(s) cannot be seen from a public street or abutting property. A garage or building structure means either a lawful, nonconforming use or a garage or building structure erected pursuant to the lawful issuance of a building permit and which has been constructed in accordance with all zoning and building code regulations.
(1992 Code, § 90.05) (Ord. O-40-05129697, passed 5-12-1997) Penalty, see § 90.99