It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit or stack hay, straw or other baled hay-like materials within the city, except as follows:
   (A)   In an area that consists of regular hay land where large bales are normally produced every year, such as cemetery hay land or airport hay land, baled hay may be stacked during the haying season so long as it is not kept stacked within 250 feet of any occupied structure and is not stacked under any overhead primary or distribution electric lines, and must be moved off the property and out of the city by October 1.
   (B)   In an area that is zoned as industrial or agricultural, baled materials may be kept for a period of time not to exceed eight months; and at least once a year the site must be cleared of all hay and similar materials. They must be in twin/single rows, not stacked, and at least ten feet in between each twin row. Baled materials may not be kept under any overhead primary or distribution electric lines, or within 100 feet of any occupied structure.
   (C)   Baled materials may not be kept in any manner that causes obstruction of visibility at any intersections where a sight triangle is required under § 150.003(f).
   (D)   Small square bales of straw or hay may be used to provide shelter or supplemental protection from weather for small animals during the winter season, but must be removed in the spring.
   (F)   At no time shall baled materials be permitted to become infested with rats or other vermin.
(Prior Code, § 12.06.04) (Ord. 236, passed - -; Ord. 731, passed - -; Ord. 1061, passed 10-2-2023) Penalty, see § 150.999