For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CITY. The elected and/or designated official, authorized agent or employees of the City of Winner lying within the County of Tripp, State of South Dakota, assigned to carry out the enforcement of this chapter.
LARGE TREES. Trees larger than 40 feet tall at maturity.
MEDIUM TREES. Trees between 20 and 40 feet tall at maturity.
PARK TREES. Trees, shrubs and all other woody vegetation in public parks having individual names, and all areas owned by the city, or to which the public has access as a park.
PARKS. Includes all public parks having individual names.
PERSON. Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, organization or political subdivision of any kind.
PESTS. An insect or disease that attacks a tree or woody vegetation.
PLANTS. Includes all nonwoody vegetation now or hereafter growing on any public or private property.
PRIVATE TREES. Those trees and all other woody vegetation on private lots and residences within the city.
PROPERTY OWNER. The person owning such property as shown by the records on file at the county offices.
PUBLIC PLACES. Includes all other grounds, owned by the City of Winner, lying within the County of Tripp, State of South Dakota, or under its control or supervision whether owned, leased or under contract of the city.
PUBLIC TREES. Includes all trees now or hereafter growing on any street or any public areas where otherwise indicated.
SMALL TREES. Trees less than 20 feet tall at maturity.
STREET TREES. Trees, shrubs and all other woody vegetation on boulevards which would be on land lying between the established curbline and the street right-of-way line within the city.
TREE COMMITTEE. The Parks and Recreation Committee will be the advisory board that is responsible for assisting in the study of trees.
TREES AND SHRUBS. Includes all woody vegetation now or hereafter growing on any public or private property.
(Prior Code, § 12.04.01) (Ord. 792, passed - -)