(A)    Every person operating any vehicle shall bring the same to a complete stop before entering a crosswalk, street intersection or any other place, street or alley in the city when any automatic signaling device, stop sign or other signaling device indicating said vehicle to stop, is placed in front, or above said vehicle or on the right side of said walk, street or intersection.
   (B)   In case of an automatic signaling device, the person operating said vehicle shall not enter the crosswalk, street intersection, other place, street or alley until said automatic signaling device shall give or exhibit the word or signal “GO” or give a green light.
   (C)   In case of an automatic signaling device, a flashing red shall be the same control as a stop sign, requiring ever person operating a vehicle at that location to come to a complete stop and to proceed only when it is safe to do so. A yellow or amber traffic light shall indicate that a vehicle should approach with caution and may proceed with caution when it is safe to do so.
   (D)   The Public Works Director, in cooperation with the Public Safety Commissioner, shall study the traffic patterns within the city in order to identify those streets that are through-streets or arterial streets, those that are primary side or connecting streets, and those that are primarily residential streets, as well as school zones, hospital zones, and other relevant designations when planning the use of traffic control signals and devices to establish traffic movements in safe and expedient patterns. The Public Works Director shall consult with the Public Safety Commissioner and shall review applicable state and federal sign placement standards in making these determinations, but the final decision on sign placements shall be made by the Public Works Director.
   (E)   The Council hereby and by this chapter does approve every existing automatic signaling device, stop sign and other signaling devices which is now erected and hereby resolves that they are lawful and in full force and effect and shall be obeyed by every person. Hereafter, the Public Works Director shall create the official list of all stop signs, yield signs, and other traffic control devices within the city, and shall file it with the Finance Officer who shall certify the list to the Clerk of Courts, to be maintained with the Code of Ordinances at that location. The Finance Officer shall also place the list for publication with the Code of Ordinances. As the Public Works Director establishes a design of traffic patterns and movement to be controlled by traffic control signs and devices, in cooperation with the Public Safety Commissioner, that design shall be implemented by removal of signs and installation of signs to accomplish the design. Whenever any such sign is added to or deleted from the official list due to the installation or removal of a sign, the official list shall be updated accordingly and distributed and published as set forth above. The placement of the current or updated list with the Clerk of Courts and the publication thereof with the Code of Ordinances shall be necessary before any sign or signal may be enforced by citation or complaint.
   (F)   Law enforcement officers shall be considered as a signaling device in this section, and when directing traffic at any given time, drivers of vehicles shall obey the directions of said law enforcement officers exclusive of all other signaling devices at that particular place and time.
   (G)   Unless otherwise directed by a law enforcement officer, pedestrians shall not cross a crosswalk over which vehicles and motor vehicles have the right-of-way under direction of an automatic signaling device, stop signs or other signaling devices, otherwise, when crossing at the proper place, pedestrians shall have the right-of-way when crossing streets.
   (H)   Whenever the Public Safety Director is not available to remain in administrative control of sign placement decisions under this section because of an opening in the position or a lengthy absence from the city, the Street Department Supervisor shall act as the authorized individual in making these decisions. When the Public Safety Commissioner is unavailable to cooperate as provided herein, the Chief of Police shall act as the authorized individual in providing this cooperation.
(Prior Code, § 7.02.06) (Ord. 299, passed - -; Ord. 731, passed - -; Ord. 1065, passed 10-16-2023)