The purpose of this chapter is to define terms used herein and regulate the private and commercial operation of aircraft from the Winner Municipal Airport providing for:
   (A)   The lease of hangars and hangar sites;
   (B)   Permits for commercial and private aeronautical activities and fees;
   (C)   The regulation and restriction of the height of structures and objects of natural growth, and otherwise regulating the use of property, in the vicinity of the Winner Municipal Airport by creating airport approach, turning and transition zones and establishing the boundaries thereof;
   (D)   Changes in the restrictions and boundaries of such zones;
   (E)   The building regulations of structures located on the Winner Municipal Airport;
   (F)   The control of said regulations by the Board of Adjustment; and
   (G)   Enforcement and imposing penalties.
(Prior Code, § 4.07.01) (Ord. 369, passed - -; Ord. 731, passed - -)