§ 51.03 USE OF WATER.
   (A)   All persons using water shall keep the hydrants, taps, hose and all other fixtures allotted to their use closed except when obtaining water for use and shall be responsible for any damage or injury that may result to others from the improper use of the water. They shall keep their service pipes and all other fixtures in good repair and protected from frost and at their own expense and in such manner as to prevent any unnecessary waste of water. Water users shall own the pipe and fixtures running from the water main to their house and shall be responsible for any liability associated with the use of this line.
   (B)   No consumer shall supply water to others or suffer others to take it off his or her premises, except that in case of a regular consumer’s water fixtures becoming out of order, the supply during the time while waiting for repairs shall not be considered a violation of this section.
   (C)   Whenever water has been shut off from any premises, it shall not be turned on again by the consumer or any other person except a licensed plumber after having proper authority to do so.
(Ord. 84, passed 7-11-00)