§ 151.27 LOTS.
   (A)   The minimum lot width, depth and area shall conform to the requirements as set forth in the zoning regulations, set forth in Chapter 152 of this code.
   (B)   Corner lots for residential use shall have additional width to permit appropriate building setback from both streets.
   (C)   Side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles to street lines or radial to curved street lines.
   (D)   Double frontage lots shall be avoided except where lots back on a thoroughfare or other arterial streets or where topographic or other conditions render subdividing otherwise unreasonable. The double frontage lots shall have an additional depth of at least 20 feet in order to allow space for screen planting along the back lot line.
   (E)   Every lot must have at least the minimum required frontage on a public dedicated street other than an alley.
   (F)   Setback or building lines shall be shown on all lots intended for residential use and shall not be less than the setback required by the zoning regulations set forth in Chapter 152 of this code. On those lots which are intended for business use, the setback shall be at least that required by the zoning regulations.
(Ord. 156, passed 1-18-78)