(A)   No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any unpolluted water such as storm water, ground water, roof runoff, surface drainage or noncontact cooling water to any sanitary sewer.
   (B)   A permit must be required from the city to discharge sump pump water or other clear unpolluted water into the sanitary system in the winter months.
   (C)   Any person found guilty of violating this section shall be given a 12-month compliance time period. After the 12-month compliance period, a surcharge of $100 per month shall be added to every sewer billing after verification of noncompliance by the city. The property owner will receive written notification of the surcharge, and the surcharge shall be added every month until the property is in compliance with this section. The imposition of such surcharge shall in no way limit the right of the city to seek an injunction in District Court ordering the property owner to disconnect the nonconforming connection from the sanitary sewer system or from pursuing any other legal remedies available, such as the city correcting the violation and assessing the cost to the property.
(Ord. 117, passed 2-26-86; Am. Ord. 3, 2005 Series, passed 6-14-05) Penalty, see § 10.99