(A)   To secure water or sewer line extensions, the applicant must instigate the following procedures:
      (1)   Furnish the Board of Commissioners with a scaled map of the proposed subdivision or area to which the system is to be extended, preferably one inch to 100 foot scale, designating all building lots to be served by the extension. Said map shall conform to the requirements of the County Subdivision Ordinance for preliminary sketches and should bear the stamp of approval of the County Planning Council as such.
      (2)   Request, in writing, a preliminary cost estimate from the Board of Commissioners using the prescribed form furnished by the town.
      (3)   Make a cash deposit of 10% of the preliminary cost estimate of the proposed extension to secure a contract for preparation of the construction plans and specifications.
      (4)   After the agreement is executed with the town and prior to the beginning of any construction, the applicant shall make an additional deposit in an amount satisfactory to the Board of Commissioners to assure the Board of Commissioners that the applicant will pay 100% of all construction, administrative, legal, engineering, right-of-way, inspection, testing and all other costs associated with the proposed extension of the system which shall be performed by or through the town or for which the Board of Commissioners may become liable.
   (B)   The funds shall be deposited in a special account of the town for which a separate accounting will be made.
   (C)   When an approved water or sanitary sewer extension project has been completed and the total cost of such water or sanitary sewer extension has been determined, the town will notify the applicant of said total costs. If the initial amount deposited with the town is more than the total cost, said difference will be refunded to the applicant by the town. If the initial amount deposited by the applicant is less than the total cost, the applicant will make an additional payment to cover the total cost of installation before the water or sewer system is put into service.
   (D)   When the town determines that it is advisable to install larger size facilities than are necessary to serve the property requesting such extension, the difference in the cost of the larger size facilities over and above the cost of the facilities required to serve the property requesting such extension shall be paid for by the town and excluded from the total cost to be paid by the applicant.
   (E)   Nothing in this section shall prevent the Board of Commissioners from extending water or sanitary sewer mains or both on their own motion without receipt of an application from property owners, when, in the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, the general public interest demands such extension of service.
(Prior Code, § 51.42)  (Ord. passed - -)