For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Wherever consistent with the context of this chapter, words in the present, past or future tenses shall be construed to be interchangeable with each other, and words in the singular number shall be construed to include the plural.
   DIRECTOR.  The Director of parks and recreation areas of the town as designated by the Board of Commissioners or Town Manager. In the absence of a DIRECTOR that is named by the Town Council, the Town Manager shall serve as the DIRECTOR.
   MOTOR VEHICLE or VEHICLE.  All machines designed or intended to travel over land by self-propulsion or while attached to any self-propelled vehicle, including electric, gas and self-propelled scooters and go-carts.
   ORGANIZED SPORTING ACTIVITY.  Any sporting activity where any one of the following occur:
      (1)   Participants are arranged into teams;
      (2)   Umpires and/or referees are used to judge the play;
      (3)   A score is kept to determine the winning team; or
      (4)   Participants are practicing a particular sport as a team.
   PARK.  All town parks, public squares, public drives, parkways, access roads, boulevards and play and recreation grounds under the management and control of the town.
   RECREATION.  Activities that are diversionary in character and aid in promoting entertainment, pleasure, relaxation, instruction and other physical, mental and cultural development and leisure time experiences.
   SERVICE ANIMAL.  Any guide dog, signal dog or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability.
(Ord. passed - -2004)