(A)   Applicability of regulations. All buildings erected hereafter, all uses of land or buildings established hereafter, and all structural alterations or relocation of existing buildings occurring hereafter shall be subject to all regulations of this chapter and other applicable town ordinances which are applicable to the zoning districts in which those buildings, uses, or land shall be located.
   (B)   Relocation of structures. Any building or structure which has been wholly or partially erected on any premises located within the town shall not be moved and/or be placed upon any premises in the town until a building permit for the removal shall have been received from the Building Administrator. Any thus relocated building or structure shall conform to all the provisions of this chapter in the same manner as a new building or structure. No building or structure shall be moved into the town from outside the town limits until all applicable permits and bonds have been completed.
   (C)   Permits issued prior to chapter. Where a building permit for a building or structure has been issued in accordance with law prior to the effective date of this chapter, and provided that substantial construction is begun within six months of the effective date and diligently prosecuted to completion, that building or structure may be completed in accordance with the approved plans on the basis of which the building permit has been issued, and further, may upon completion be occupied under a certificate of occupancy by the use for which originally designed, subject thereafter to the provisions of § 156.037, regarding nonconforming uses and structures.
   (D)   Expiration of permits. 
      (1)   Where the Building Administrator has issued a permit for a use permit, that permit shall automatically expire without further notice unless the work allowed by the permit is substantially underway within six months of the date of issuance of the permit by the Building Administrator.
      (2)   For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
         SUBSTANTIALLY UNDERWAY. A required first inspection, for the permit, shall have been made and approved by the town Building Department.
   (E)   Special use permit. A special use permit shall be deemed to authorize only one special use.
   (F)   Scope. Whenever the requirements of this chapter are at variance with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations, ordinances, deed restrictions, or covenants generally consistent with this chapter, the most restrictive or that imposing the higher standards shall be considered valid and shall govern.
(Ord. 23, § 2.10.10, passed 3-19-1997; Am. Ord. 93, passed 7-17-2001) Penalty, see § 156.999