All materials used for construction of public facilities shall be new, of first-class quality, meeting or exceeding the standard or specification cited below, or equivalent as determined by the Town Engineer.
   (A)   Aggregates. Fine and coarse aggregates used in concrete or asphalt shall comply with INDOT-SS, subsection 903.
   (B)   B-borrow or special borrow for structures. Fill and backfill material around and under structures shall comply with INDOT-SS, subsection 211.
   (C)   Concrete. Materials and procedures used in preparing concrete mixes shall comply with INDOT-SS articles 702.01 through 702.11, except that fly ash may only be used with written approval of the Town Engineer.
   (D)   Asphalt products. Materials and procedures for preparing asphalt mixes shall comply with INDOT-SS, subsection 401.
      (1)   HAE, hot asphalt emulsion, pavement materials shall comply with INDOT-SS, subsection 402.
      (2)   HAC, hot asphalt concrete, pavement materials shall comply with INDOT-SS, subsection 403.
      (3)   Prime coat shall comply with INDOT-SS, subsection 408.
      (4)   Tack coat shall comply with INDOT-SS, subsection 409.
   (E)   Sewer and drainage pipe.
      (1)   Reinforced concrete pipe shall comply with ASTM specification C-76 and the joints with C-443. Reinforced concrete arch pipe shall comply with ASTM specification C-506 and reinforced concrete elliptical pipe with C-507.
      (2)   Precast concrete manhole sections shall comply with ASTM specification C-478. Manholes shall have a minimum inside diameter of 48 inches and have a medium or heavy duty frame and lid. A precast flat top section shall be provided if the manhole is less than six feet deep, and an eccentric cone section if the manhole is six feet or more in depth.
      (3)   Precast concrete utility vaults shall comply with ASTM specification C-858.
      (4)   Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gravity sewer pipe shall comply with ASTM specification D-3034 with a minimum rating of SDR 35 (standard dimension ratio). The joints shall comply with ASTM specification D-3212.
      (5)   Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pressure pipe from four to 12-inch diameter shall comply with AWWA standard C-900 and from 14- to 36-inch diameter shall comply with AWWA standard C-905.
      (6)   Ductile iron pipe shall comply with AWWA specification C-151 and joints and gaskets with C-1111. All exposed ductile iron pipe shall be flanged, while buried ductile iron pipe may be push-on or mechanical joint.
      (7)   Corrugated metal pipe for culverts shall be fabricated of hot-dip galvanized sheet steel conforming to ASTM specification A-444. Corrugated metal pipe and pipe arches shall comply with INDOT-SS article 907.02.
      (8)   All storm sewers located beneath a roadway, or within five feet of a roadway, as measured from the back of the curb shall be constructed with reinforced concrete pipe in accordance with ASTM C-76.
   (F)   Storm drains.
      (1)   Storm drains, inlets, and catch basins shall be constructed of precast concrete components, similar in construction to precast manholes.
      (2)   Each storm drain shall have a heavy duty cast or ductile iron frame and grate of appropriate shape for its location. The storm inlet frame and grate shall be constructed with bicycle safe openings per the latest edition of the INDOT Standard Specifications and have sufficient open area to accept the runoff calculated for its collection area in the drainage plan.
   (G)   Joint filler. Joint filler for expansion joints in concrete walk and curb shall comply with INDOT-SS article 905.01.
   (H)   Water supply pipe.
      (1)   Ductile iron pipe (for water supply mains) shall comply with AWWA specification C-151 with cement mortar lining conforming to AWWA C-104 and joints and gaskets conforming to AWWA C-111. Fittings for ductile iron pipe shall comply with AWWA specification C-110 or C-153.
      (2)   Type K copper tubing for water service lines shall be soft temper conforming to ASTM specification B-88 with forged bronze compression fittings conforming to ANSI B 16.22.
      (3)   High density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe shall be ductile iron pipe outside diameter, and shall meet the requirements of AWWA C-906. All HDPE pipe shall be at least DR 11 designation rated for a minimum water working pressure of 160 psi. All fittings in HDPE water main shall be mechanical joint ductile iron fittings. Connections to HDPE shall be made using EBAA iron restrained adapters manufactured specifically for connecting HDPE and ductile iron pipe or butt fused HDPE/ductile iron restrained adapters rated for a minimum pressure of 160 psi.
   (I)   Water valves. Valves for water supply shall conform to the AWWA standards listed below.
      (1)   All water line valves of eight inches and greater diameter shall be resilient seated butterfly valves in accordance with AWWA C-504.
      (2)   All water line valves less than eight inches in diameter, and valves used on tapping tees, shall be resilient seated gate valves conforming to AWWA C-509.
      (3)   Fittings for service lines shall comply with AWWA C-800.J.
(Ord. 27, § 5.40.10, passed 4-16-1997; Am. Ord. 85, passed 10-17-2000; Am. Ord. 157, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 210, passed 9-11-2012)