§ 150.06 DUTIES.
   The duties and responsibilities of the Commission shall be:
   (A)   Prepare and recommend to the Council a Comprehensive Plan;
   (B)   Prepare and recommend to the Council zoning and subdivision control ordinances;
   (C)   Receive and render decisions concerning the approval or disapproval of all subdivision plats or re-plats;
   (D)   Review all petitions for amendments to the zoning ordinances and Zoning Map and recommend approval or disapproval to the Council;
   (E)   Conduct public hearings as required by law concerning proposed changes in the Comprehensive Plan, zoning ordinances, or other regulations and provisions to this title;
   (F)   Review and revise the Comprehensive Plan, zoning ordinances, and other regulations and provisions of this title to insure compliance with changing conditions;
   (G)   Review all proposals of the abandonment or vacation of public thoroughfares and platted lots and recommend approval or disapproval to the Council;
   (H)   Appoint and prescribe the duties and fix the compensation of those employees as are necessary for the discharge of the duties of the Commission; and
   (I)   Supervise and make rules for the administration of the affairs of the Commission.
(Ord. 18, passed 1-22-1997)