That this chapter shall not prohibit the discharge of firearms by certain exempted persons, namely:
   (A)   Any legally appointed local or federal law enforcement officer acting within the capacity of his or her authorized duty;
   (B)   Any person, who is legally authorized and licensed to own and possess a firearm, is acting in self-defense, the defense of their dependents, or the defense of a fellow citizen(s), if the circumstances are such that a reasonable and responsible adult, would determine that discharging the firearm is of absolute and immediate necessity, and that no alternative and less dangerous solution is feasible at the time, and in doing so, does not violate any local, state, or Federal laws.
   (C)   Any duly licensed hunters, provided all applicable hunting laws and regulations are adhered to.
   (D)   Any person discharging a weapon at lawfully operated shooting range, skeet range, or gun club.
   (E)   That this chapter shall not be construed to restrict or otherwise prohibit the legal possession, purchase or use of firearms in accordance with applicable Indiana law, the Indiana Constitution or the United States Constitution.
(Ord. 278, passed 12-21-2017)