(A)   Application. This section shall apply to all new developments, pavement replacing of existing parking lots greater than 25% including adding at least one-fourth inch of material to the surface of 25% of the parking lot by way of renovating, repaving, or upgrading, and to alterations to existing buildings which will increase the floor area by more than 25%, and to alterations, renovations, and improvements to existing buildings where the costs exceed 50% of the Lake County Auditor's valuation. In the case of pavement replacement and existing building alteration, the minimum number of parking spaces required for the use by the town zoning code shall not be reduced.
   (B)   Required trees. On all commercial and industrial properties, an eight-foot wide landscape strip shall be required adjacent to the street right-of-way, except where driveways or other openings may be required. This eight-foot wide strip shall be landscaped open space free of any wall, fence, embankment and/or walkway. At least one tall or two medium deciduous trees for each forty feet shall be planted in the landscape strip. If utility requirements will only allow low trees to be planted, three low trees shall be planted for each tall shade tree required. Existing healthy trees may fulfill these minimum requirements.
(Ord. 255, passed 12-10-2015)