(A)   Whenever a proposed AG, AG-B, C-l, C-2, C-3, M-l, PD-C use or zoning district, or a commercial use within a PD-M district abuts a residential district, in addition to the applicable requirements outlined in § 156.06, a 50-foot buffer yard screening shall be created by the developer of the proposed use or zoning district along the district boundary unless:
      (1)   The district boundary is separated from the residential district by a street.
      (2)   If an AG, AG-B, C-1, C-2, C-3, M-1, PD-C use, or a commercial use within a PD-M district is existing and developed without the required buffer yard screening, the developer of a proposed R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, or MF residential use or zoning district shall be responsible for satisfying the requirements of division (A) above.
      (3)   A development standards variance is obtained from the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (B)   Screening, as required by the provisions of this code, shall be of such nature and density that will screen the activities on the lot from view from the normal level of a first-story window on an abutting lot within five years.
   (C)   If no buffer landscaping exists between two lots of differing uses, the developer of a new development shall bear the responsibility of installing the buffer landscaping.
   (D)   Trees selected for installation shall contain a caliper size of at least two and one-half inches in diameter, measured four and one-half feet (about chest height) above ground level.
   (E)   Evergreen trees shall be at least six feet in height when planted.
   (F)   Vehicular encroachment. Landscaped areas abutting parking spaces must be protected from vehicular encroachment by curbing to prevent vehicles from damaging trees or other landscaping. Vehicles shall not encroach on landscaped areas.
   (G)   Deciduous and evergreen shrubs shall be used to screen parking areas from public streets and must be at least 18 to 24 inches in height and grow to obtain an overall screening height of at least three feet above the parking surface after three years. A minimum plant size of six feet in height, when planted, is required for buffering between different land uses. Smaller plants could be used if combined with other landscape measures, such as planters or berms, provided the desired degree of buffering or screening is achieved.
   (H)   Within a parking lot, curb-protected landscape islands must be placed at the end of each row of parking spaces and placed to interrupt any continuous row of parking spaces into runs of ten spaces or less. Each island must contain at least one non fruit-bearing low deciduous tree incorporated into the landscape planting plan.
(Ord. 255, passed 12-10-2015)